Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The special variety

The special variety Of telogen of effluvium in women is shedding of hair after the generation of child or after the termination of pregnancy. During the pregnancy hair follicles do not pass into [katagen] and stay in [anagene] entire period before the generation of child. Frequently women note that during the pregnancy their hair appear thicker and it is more magnificent. However, soon of hormones concludes after methods of operation, and the substantial part of the follicles decides finally to rest. Therefore abundant shedding of hair occurs 3-4 months after kinds. It is aggravated by stresses, chronic fatigue and anemia.

The cancellation of hormonal contraceptives also in certain cases brings to Telogen of effluvium. Many oral contraceptives create in the organism the hormonal background, similar what appears during the pregnancy. When the method of tablets ceases, follicles stop increase and convert to state of rest. The shedding of hair, caused by the cancellation of hormonal contraceptives, usually insignificant and rarely causes [poredenie] of hair.

The special variety Of telogen of effluvium is shedding of hair after the transplantation of follicles. The follicles, postponed by new place, experience stress and cease increase. The discouraged patient sees 3 months after transplantation that his new hair intensively fall out. Here there is no occasion for the uneasiness, because after short-term leisure follicles will begin the normal cycle of increase and hair they will appear again.

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