Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Different stresses

Telogen of effluvium - this is shedding of hair in the stage of telogene. It occurs with different stresses - physical and emotional. Frequently the shedding of hair is caused by sharp decrease in weight, by the surgical interventions, divorce, job loss, by failures in the love and all others these stresses causes the sudden stopping of an increase in the hair follicles, which must be found in the phase of increase also sufficiently long time. Such follicles enter into the stage of [katagen], and from there into the stage of telogene. Then they simultaneously reject hair, after which they enter into new life cycle. Its duration can be normal, and it can be shortened, if action was repeated.

Shedding of hair with Telogen of effluvium occurs through 3-4, sometimes 5-6 months after stress; therefore to people it is difficult to connect stress and shedding of hair. With Telogen of effluvium the shedding of hair occurs disorderly throughout entire head, in this case it can not occur noticeable of hair. However, patients greatly are disturbed, seeing, as many hair they lose each day. This can become the source of additional stress, and process is dragged out. One should remember that especially the women are inclined to Telogen of effluvium. Sometimes Telogen of effluvium can be assumed with the first view on the patient, who appears nervous, impressionable and emotional.

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