Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Anagen of effluvium

To the head is brought the nourishing solution, which under the action of electric field is divided into the ions, which penetrate into the skin. Another method - electro-incorporation, when the stress, applied to the electrodes, not constant, but pulse. It creates micros-breakdown in the lipid layer of the skins, through which the nutrients can penetrate to the roots of hair.

Anagen of effluvium - this is the sudden loss of hair, caused by the action of chemical agents or radiation. In contrast to Telogen of effluvium the hair fall out, without entering into telogene. Sudden shedding of hair is observed usually after 1-3 weeks after the action of chemical substances or radiation. Most frequently this occurs with the therapy of malignant tumors, which is conducted with the application of irradiation or cytostatic agents. Sometimes the reason for shedding of hair becomes poisoning by arsenic or by thallium. With the chemotherapy of malignant tumors sometimes is observed the precipitation to 90% of hair, up to complete baldness. In the majority of the cases the shedding of hair, caused by chemotherapy, is completely reversed. The sometimes newly grown hair occur healthier and it is stronger than those, which fire. Now and then - occurs a change in their color and structure (replacement of curly hair to the straight lines and vice versa).

The cosmetic salon

In contrast to androgenic alopecia, with Telogen of effluvium does not occur the atrophies of hair follicles. As soon as shedding of hair, which are located in the stage of telogene, will be completed, hair will begin grow. If we show additional support by them, they will grow stronger and healthier how they were thus far. Important role here plays the emotional state of the patient, for whom the shedding of hair is new stress. Thus, the treatment of this form of baldness includes the stimulation of an increase in the hair and an improvement in their structure, and also the psychological action on the patient, which increases his faith in the success of treatment, confidence in itself and its restoring emotional equilibrium. It is possible to say that the women, that suffer Of telogen of effluvium, are the first candidates for the treatment of baldness in the cosmetic salon.

With Telogen of effluvium are especially effective the methods of apparatus [kosmetologii]. They not only create favorable conditions for an increase in the new hair, but also they use large confidence in patients. Massage with the application of vacuum technology is very effective. This procedure based on the fact that on the skin of head are superimposed the small cups, which create the pulsatory vacuum. This forces the vessels of micro-circulating river bed to be enlarged and to again become narrow. It occurs a kind of training of the vessels, which feed hair bulbs. Since during the phase of [anagena] occurs the intensive development of vascular grid, and in the telogene - its involution, vascular gymnastics contributes to the best blood supply of follicles in the phase of increase and to retarding the degradation of vessels. This causes the prolongation of the phase of an increase in the follicles in the stage of [anagena] and to the accelerated awakening of the latent follicles.

The special variety

The special variety Of telogen of effluvium in women is shedding of hair after the generation of child or after the termination of pregnancy. During the pregnancy hair follicles do not pass into [katagen] and stay in [anagene] entire period before the generation of child. Frequently women note that during the pregnancy their hair appear thicker and it is more magnificent. However, soon of hormones concludes after methods of operation, and the substantial part of the follicles decides finally to rest. Therefore abundant shedding of hair occurs 3-4 months after kinds. It is aggravated by stresses, chronic fatigue and anemia.

The cancellation of hormonal contraceptives also in certain cases brings to Telogen of effluvium. Many oral contraceptives create in the organism the hormonal background, similar what appears during the pregnancy. When the method of tablets ceases, follicles stop increase and convert to state of rest. The shedding of hair, caused by the cancellation of hormonal contraceptives, usually insignificant and rarely causes [poredenie] of hair.

The special variety Of telogen of effluvium is shedding of hair after the transplantation of follicles. The follicles, postponed by new place, experience stress and cease increase. The discouraged patient sees 3 months after transplantation that his new hair intensively fall out. Here there is no occasion for the uneasiness, because after short-term leisure follicles will begin the normal cycle of increase and hair they will appear again.

Different stresses

Telogen of effluvium - this is shedding of hair in the stage of telogene. It occurs with different stresses - physical and emotional. Frequently the shedding of hair is caused by sharp decrease in weight, by the surgical interventions, divorce, job loss, by failures in the love and all others these stresses causes the sudden stopping of an increase in the hair follicles, which must be found in the phase of increase also sufficiently long time. Such follicles enter into the stage of [katagen], and from there into the stage of telogene. Then they simultaneously reject hair, after which they enter into new life cycle. Its duration can be normal, and it can be shortened, if action was repeated.

Shedding of hair with Telogen of effluvium occurs through 3-4, sometimes 5-6 months after stress; therefore to people it is difficult to connect stress and shedding of hair. With Telogen of effluvium the shedding of hair occurs disorderly throughout entire head, in this case it can not occur noticeable of hair. However, patients greatly are disturbed, seeing, as many hair they lose each day. This can become the source of additional stress, and process is dragged out. One should remember that especially the women are inclined to Telogen of effluvium. Sometimes Telogen of effluvium can be assumed with the first view on the patient, who appears nervous, impressionable and emotional.

The method

They established that by true progressive baldness suffer 40% of men and only 1% of women. However, fears for their hair and complaints of the shedding of hair voice 60% of women. Almost they all suffer the temporary loss of hair, caused by stresses, hormonal and seasonal variations in the organism, internal diseases and even fungus injury of hair. Therefore with the inspection of patient, who arrived with the complaints of baldness, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics between temporary and chronic alopecia.

Temporary alopecia - this shedding of hair, caused by the action of internal or external reasons on hair fshedding of hair, baldnessof [ollikuly]. With the disappearance of operative factor the curtailment of shedding of hair and the restoration of their increase occurs. Two basic forms of temporary alopecia - this is Telogen of effluvium and Anagen of effluvium ([ris].1). The most precise method for establishing the relation “[anagen]/telogene” - this is the rapid extraction of approximately 50 hair with the aid of the special tool. Then the bulbs of hair are colored with the dye of 4-dimethyl-aminocinnamaldehyde (DACA). DACA selectively reacts with the citrin, found only in the inner shell of the root of hair. Hair in the stage of telogene have the small unpigmented bulbs without the inner shell. Consequently, they are not colored WITH DACA. Hair in [anagene] have the elongated pigmented (if hair are pigmented) bulbs, surrounded by inner shell. DACA tinctures them into the bright red colored.

The doctors

In what cases it is necessary to be turned for help?

* Intensive shedding of hair, which is difficultly yielded to the treatment
* baldness, into [t].[ch]. jack baldness
* the damage of the structure of hair (fragile, secant, dry, dim hair)
* seborrhea, dermatitis of the skin of the head
* after irradiation, chemotherapy (deliverance from the consequences)
* after the application of antibiotics and hormonal therapy

The doctors of our center will study your problem, they will explain the reason for shedding of hair and will compulsorily give recommendation in the individual order.

The problem of medical statistics in the fact that it operates with the numbers, obtained from the hospitals and the health centers, leaving outside all those, who are ill, without being turned to the doctors. Therefore from time to time it is necessary to conduct large-scale studies among “healthy” people, i.e., among those, who at the given moment are situated not in the hospital, but house or on the work. For example, statistics on baldness shows that almost 95% of growing bald people suffer androgenic alopecia, while to other forms of alopecia it is fallen of about 5%. This number it was necessary to place for doubt after the recent study, carried out by firm L'Oreal among 10000 randomly selected persons.

Increase in the hair

Unfavorable factors:

* the ecological state of environment,
* stress,
* operation with the use of overall narcosis,
* the infectious diseases of the skin of head,
* the method of hormonal preparations,
* genetic predisposition and so forth.

Our center proposes to solve this problem.

The individual course of treatment is assigned as doctor and consultant

Duration of the course of treatment from the 4th to 12 weeks.

The curtailment of shedding of hair begins during the 2nd weeks.

The signs of the sanitation of the skin of head, restoration of hair bulbs and the renewal of an increase in the hair will become noticeable during the 4th - 6- TI of weeks.

Hair will become more thickly, they will acquire healthy luster and natural [tsvet].[Iz] of the hair bulbs will begin grow hair, with the natural natural pigment, as a result of which of grey hair it will become much less.

Female hormone

Female hormone estrogen increases the cycle of the life of hair, and man hormone reduces its androgen. In the female organism both these forms of hormones are present, but a quantity of estrogen is incomparably more. The level of estrogen is reduced in the period of menopause, and therefore the influence of androgen becomes more noticeable: the lifetime of hair is shortened and hair begin to fall out. Shedding of hair in this case covers entire surface of head and progresses.

During the pregnancy the estrogen stimulates cellular multiplication at the level of hair bulb (root). Therefore the cycle of the life of hair is lengthened. As a result a quantity of hair, which are found in the phase of increase, considerably increases (to 95% in the course of the recent three months of pregnancy). The content of estrogen in the organism sharply falls after kinds, and this negatively affects an increase in the hair. The life cycle of hair is reduced, and they can begin to fall out in large quantities. Shedding of hair into [etm] the case can become serious problem.

Problem must be complex

Shedding of hair bears the local and progressive nature. The gradual substitution of normal healthy hair by the weak and the short is observed in these sections. then they are substituted by, and they afterward disappear completely.

Approach to this problem must be complex.

One of the reasons for shedding of hair - incorrect nourishment, which leads to the shortage of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for a normal increase in the hair. Hair follicles weaken, receiving less the necessary nutrients, and they perish earlier than the assumed period. A deficiency in the vitamins and the microcells (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) very badly affects the state of the roots of hair. Deficiency in the organism of nutrients conducts to the shedding of hair, and also the poor mastering of vitamins and minerals because of smoking or method of some drugs. Action on the skin of the head of low and high temperatures also worsens blood circulation. An increase in the hair is tightly connected with hormonal status, and that, in turn, depends on emotional state. Therefore shedding of hair can be caused by stress.

Also the accumulated dandruff drives in the times of the skin and can provoke shedding of hair.

Women also suffer from the shedding of hair. More than 50% women encounter this problem in the course of the life. In men the shedding of hair connected, first of all, with the genetic reasons bears the localized nature. But in women, it usually depends on hormonal, seasonal and emotional factors, covering entire surface of head.

Entire life

Pathologic shedding of hair (baldness or alopecia) is today one of the most difficult problems in aesthetical medicine. Hair fall out and grow during entire life. With normal the cycle of an increase in the hair of men it daily loses hair (approximately a quantity from 50 to 150), and these losses constantly are completed. But hair are not restored with the pathologic shedding of hair.

Shedding of hair can be complete either partial, the loss of hair - by constant or temporary. Assertion is erroneous that from this illness suffer exclusively the men. Statistics asserts that among the men into thirty years each third loses hair, into fifty - each second, and into eighty - 80%, but also women also know well that this shedding of hair.

Shedding of hair occurs in men five times more active than in women, seizing frontal and sincipital regions.

Shedding of hair

Temporary alopecia - this shedding of hair, caused by the action of internal or external reasons on the hair follicles. The loss of hair occurs because of the stresses, the hormonal and seasonal variations in the organism, the internal diseases. After removing basic reasons, shedding of hair ceases and their increase is restored.

As a rule, shedding of hair is caused by different stresses - emotional physical. It can be provoked by different mental stresses, sharp decrease in weight, by surgical interventions. Shedding of hair occurs after some time (1-2 months after stress), and therefore to people it is difficult to connect that stress and begun loss of hair. Shedding of hair sometimes begins after kinds or after the termination of pregnancy, and also after the cancellation of oral contraceptive means.

Hair follicles do not atrophy with the temporary loss of hair. And during in proper time initiated correct treatment hair again begin grow. But if we show additional support them, they will grow stronger and it is healthier than they were earlier. The sudden loss of hair can be caused also by the action of chemical substances or radiation. In this case the shedding of hair is observed usually after several weeks (1-3 weeks) after action. With the chemotherapy sometimes is observed the shedding of hair, up to complete baldness. Usually, then hair completely are restored.

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